Thursday, September 6, 2012

Beatitude: (happy, fortunate, blissful)

The poor in spirit, have the Kingdom of heaven. Those who mourn,they will be comforted. The meek will inherit the earth. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they will be satisfied. The merciful,they will be shown mercy.
The pure in heart; shall SEE God! The peacemakers will be called the children of God. Those persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ; they get the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is what Jesus said. I pray you are encouraged and strengthened by these promises, from the One who speaks truth, from the One who is righteous, pure and holy.

Matthew 5:3-12

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy these Posts. There is inherit "suffering" to some degree or another and in various forms, in these..."poor","mourn","meekness amidst a dog eat dog world", "hunger/thirst", "mercy amidst an unthankful world","purity amongst visual images of evil","peacemaking amongst a warring peoples","persecution".

    And to accompany the suffering, the blessing of our all being met by the all in all, Christ Jesus.
