Wednesday, January 18, 2012


1 Corinthians 4:2
Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be FOUND faithful.

More than anything I care how I am found. How I am found in my husband's eyes,how my family, friends, co-workers, managers, and just man in general find me. But...above all else, how does the Holy Saviour "find" me?

This is a question that makes me drop to my knees in humility and many times shame.
How we our found by our Saviour must be important to us. The bible says we are "required to be found faithful" as His child it is our duty.

Paul said "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;".
To do anything for the Kingdom of God we first must be found faithful.

We long to change the world? To help and aid in something that matters? To be a servant and the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ? He must at first find us faithful...

"Father, I pray for strength for myself and my brothers and sisters in this. I desire that we surround ourselves with your thoughts and think on whatsover things are true, honest, just, pure,lovely,things of good report and with all virtue(Philippians 4:8). Oh Father your nearness is to us our good, Let that come to mind when we are bombarded, stressed,tired,weak...enable us as you did Paul, and your many other faithful servants that have finished the work that was set before them.
All of this I ask you Father so that you will find us faithful, worthy and able to be your hands and your feet. What a privilege Jesus, what an honor. There is no where else for your child, except at Your feet."

1 comment:

  1. Jessie,
    What a joy it is to hear words from someone who truly has a faithful heart. There is no better place than at the feet of Jesus! What an honor if we could be faithful enough to one day be able to hear the words.....Well done my good and faithful servant.
