...Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is filled with His glory.
Do we know that our God is Holy? What does that mean to us?
When Isaiah, the prophet, came into the presence of God's Holiness he cried out saying, "woe is me for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips." His unworthiness became instantly clear to him in the face of our Holy God.(Isaiah 6:3-5)
Moses stood, barefoot, covering his face before His Holiness . (Exodus 3:4-6)
Ezekiel, the prophet, dedicated his entire ministry and was given a divine duty to vindicate the Holiness of God to a nation of unbelieving people. He says in 44:4 "...I looked and saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple of the Lord, and I fell face down."
The Bible describes a scene in heaven with beautiful creatures who day and night never cease to say... "Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."(Rev.4:8)
Even though we will never fully understand or fathom it's depth while we walk here on earth, I believe it is important for us, as children of God, to attempt an understanding of His Holiness in preparation of our arrival in heaven where He promises to fully reveal it.(Isaiah 40:5)
Our salvation would not be without His Holiness. Our works are as filthy rags, but He has made us clean and worthy through His Holiness.
Dwelling on His Holiness, attempting to grasp it's depth, bowing in reverence to Him strengthens our love and understanding of who He is, and motivates us to show others their need for Him in their lives.
When I think about what He has done for me and my life eternal, continuing forever and ever because of His love for me and His sacrifice... I can't help but bow my head and whisper Holy,Holy,Holy is my Lord God Almighty.
Praise be to His glorious name forever, may the whole earth be filled with His glory.
Psalm 72:19
(photo taken by my husband via his new telescope:)